日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20719 次
create function f_MaxStudyId(@Parterid int) returns int as begin declare @re int select @re=id from( select id=max(StudyId) from tb where Parterid=@Parterid ) a set @re=isnull(@re,0)+1 return @re end go create table tb( ID int identity(1,1) , Name varchar(20), Parterid int, StudyId int ) go create trigger tri on tb instead of insert as declare @Parentid int,@id int select * into # from inserted order by Parterid update # set @id=case when Parterid=@Parentid then @id+1 else dbo.f_MaxStudyId(Parterid) end, StudyId=@id, @Parentid=Parterid insert into tb select Name,Parterid,StudyId from # go insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit1',100) insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit2',100) insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit3',101) insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit4',101) insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit5',101) insert into tb([Name],Parterid) values('Unit5',101) select * from tb drop function f_MaxStudyId drop table tb /* ID Name Parterid StudyId ----------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- 1 Unit1 100 1 2 Unit2 100 2 3 Unit3 101 1 4 Unit4 101 2 5 Unit5 101 3 6 Unit5 101 4 (所影响的行数为 6 行) */
--自动编号的例子.材料编号=类别编号+流水号 --创建自定义函数,得到新的ID create function f_getid( @类别编号 varchar(3)) returns int as begin declare @re int select @re=right(id,4) from( select id=max(材料编号) from tb where 类别编号=@类别编号 ) a set @re=isnull(@re,0)+1 return(@re) end go --创建测试表 create table tb(材料编号 varchar(7) primary key default '',类别编号 varchar(3),材料名称 varchar(10)) go --创建触发器,自动生成材料编号 create trigger t_insert on tb instead of insert as select * into #t from inserted order by 类别编号 declare @类别编号 varchar(3),@id int update #t set @id=case when @类别编号=类别编号 then @id+1 else dbo.f_getid(类别编号) end ,材料编号=类别编号+right('0000'+cast(@id as varchar),4) ,@类别编号=类别编号 insert into tb select * from #t go --插入数据测试 insert into tb(类别编号,材料名称) select '101','A材料' union all select '101','B材料' union all select '302','C材料' --显示结果 select * from tb order by 材料编号 go --删除测试环境 drop table tb drop function f_getid