日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20492 次

表A   中有N个字段,主要的是id、name、paix这两个字段是int型的字段name是字符型,id是主键name和paix里的记录都不唯一,我现在想排序,要实现的功能是:取出前十条记录,所有查询出的记录如果id和paix的数字大就排在最前面,而且这十条记录的name字段不能重复。



select top 10 * from a a1
where not exists (
select 1 from a
where name=a1.name
and (id> a1.id
or (id=a1.id
and paix> a1.paix)
order by id desc,paix desc


select top 10 * from a a1
where not exists (
select 1 from a
where name=a1.name
and id> a1.id
order by id desc

select top 10 * from a a1
where not exists (
select 1 from a
where name=a1.name
and (paix> a1.paix
or (id> a1.id
and paix=a1.paix)
order by paix desc,id desc


select top 10 *
from (
select max(id) as ID,name,max(paix) as paix
from a
group by name) a
order by ID desc,paix desc


select top 10 name,max(id) from a
group by name order by max(id) desc