------解决方案-------------------- 根据你的主键来进行判断
select a.* from 表1 a where not exists(select 1 from 表2 where a.主键=主键)
------解决方案--------------------select * from tb1 where 主键 not in (select 主键 from tb2)
select * from 表1 where 主键 not in (select 主键 from 表2)
select * from 表1 where cast(姓名 as varchar) + cast(年龄 as varchar) + cast(性别 as varchar) not in (select cast(姓名 as varchar) + cast(年龄 as varchar) + cast(性别 as varchar) from 表2)
------解决方案--------------------select *
from 表1 a
where not exists (select * from 表2 b where b.主键=a.主键)
------解决方案--------------------select * from tb1 where 主键 not in (select 主键 from tb2)
------解决方案--------------------select * from 表1 a where not exists(select 1 from 表2 b where a.姓名=b.姓名 and
a.年龄=b.年龄 and a.性别=b.性别)