日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20569 次
declare @t table(ID int,NUM int) insert into @t select 1,5 union all select 2,3 union all select 3,2 union all select 4,5 union all select 5,4 union all select 6,5 union all select 7,3 union all select 8,2 union all select 9,4 union all select 10,3 select top 1 rtrim(ID1) +isnull(','+rtrim(ID2),'') +isnull(','+rtrim(ID3),'') +isnull(','+rtrim(ID4),'') +isnull(','+rtrim(ID5),'') +isnull(','+rtrim(ID6),'') from (select a.id as id1, b.id as id2, c.id as id3, d.id as id4, e.id as id5, f.id as id6 from @t a, (select * from @t union select null,null) b, (select * from @t union select null,null) c, (select * from @t union select null,null) d, (select * from @t union select null,null) e, (select * from @t union select null,null) f where a.id<isnull(b.id,995) and isnull(b.id,995)<isnull(c.id,996) and isnull(c.id,996)<isnull(d.id,997) and isnull(d.id,997)<isnull(e.id,998) and isnull(e.id,998)<isnull(f.id,999) and (a.NUM+isnull(b.NUM,0)+isnull(c.NUM,0)+isnull(d.NUM,0)+isnull(e.NUM,0)+isnull(f.NUM,0))=15 ) t order by newid()
--sql2005的一种解法: if object_id('[tb]') is not null drop table [tb] go create table [tb]([ID] int,[NUM] int) insert [tb] select 1,5 union all select 2,3 union all select 3,2 union all select 4,5 union all select 5,4 union all select 6,5 union all select 7,3 union all select 8,2 union all select 9,4 union all select 10,3 go --select * from [tb] with szx as ( select *,path=cast(id as varchar(8000)),total=num from tb union all select b.id,b.num,a.path+'-'+rtrim(b.id),a.total+b.num from szx a join tb b on a.id<b.id and a.total<15 ) select id,num from tb,(select top 1 path from szx where total=15 order by newid()) a where charindex('-'+rtrim(id)+'-','-'+path+'-')>0 --1. /* 2 3 3 2 4 5 6 5 */ --2. /* 2 3 3 2 4 5 8 2 10 3 */ --3....