日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20655 次
declare @表A table (学号 varchar(3),分数 int) insert into @表A select '001',90 union all select '002',80 union all select '003',70 union all select '004',89 declare @表B table (学号 varchar(3),分数 int) insert into @表B select '001',90 union all select '002',90 select a.学号 , a.分数 as 分数a , b.分数 as 分数b from @表a a left join @表b b on a.学号 = b.学号 where isnull(a.分数, 0) <> isnull(b.分数, 0) /* 学号 分数a 分数b ---- ----------- ----------- 002 80 90 003 70 NULL 004 89 NULL */
這應該用full join
declare @表A table (学号 varchar(3),分数 int) insert into @表A select '001',90 union all select '002',80 union all select '003',70 union all select '004',89 declare @表B table (学号 varchar(3),分数 int) insert into @表B select '001',90 union all select '002',90 SELECT ISNULL(a.学号,b.学号) AS 学号,a.分数,b.分数 FROM @表A AS a FULL JOIN @表B AS b ON a.学号=b.学号 WHERE NULLIF(a.分数,b.分数) IS NOT NULL /* 学号 分数 分数 002 80 90 003 70 NULL 004 89 NULL */
create table a([学号] varchar(10),[分数] int) insert a select '001' ,90 union all select '002', 80 union all select '003' ,70 union all select '004' ,89 create table b([学号] varchar(10),[分数] int) insert b select '001', 90 union all select '002', 90 go select o.[学号],o.[分数],u.[分数] from ( select a.[学号],a.[分数] from a where not exists (select 1 from b where a.[学号]=b.[学号] and a.[分数]=b.[分数]) ) as o left join b as u on o.[学号]=u.[学号] /* (所影响的行数为 3 行) 学号 分数 分数 --- --- ---- 002 80 90 003 70 NULL 004 89 NULL */ go drop table a,b
A表中 有,B表中没有的查出来 可以用 except 关键字
select * from A
select * from B
select * from a where not exists(select 1 from b where a.[学号]=[学号] and a.[分数]=[分数]) union all select * from b where not exists(select 1 from a where [学号]=b.[学号] and [分数]=b.[分数])