SQL code
create table #A
id int,
buyid int,
sellid int,
[time] datetime
insert into #A values (1,1,2,'2007-1-1')
insert into #A values (2,3,4,'2007-2-1')
insert into #A values (3,5,2,'2007-3-1')
insert into #A values (4,6,3,'2007-3-3')
insert into #A values (5,1,3,'2007-4-2')
create table #B
id int,
[name] nvarchar(20)
insert into #B values (1,'A')
insert into #B values (2,'B')
insert into #B values (3,'C')
insert into #B values (4,'D')
insert into #B values (5,'E')
insert into #B values (6,'F')
现在sql有两表,关联,A表的buyid,sellid 关联B表的id.
[姓名] [买卖] [次数]
A buy 2
B sell 2
C buy 3
D sell 1
E buy 1
F buy 1
------解决方案--------------------declare @time1 datetime ,
@time2 datetime
select @time1='2006-11-26',@time2='2007-11-26'
select * from
(select [name],b='buy',time1 =count(*) from #A,#B where buyid=#B.id and [time] between @time1 and @time2
group by #B.id,[name])a
union all select * from
(select [name],b='sell',time1=count(*) from #A,#B where sellid=#B.id and [time] between @time1 and @time2
group by #B.id,[name])b
order by [name]