日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20670 次
SET NOCOUNT ON create TAble A (col1 float, col2 float) insert A (col1) select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 GO With Ac (rowID, col1, col2) AS ( Select row_number() over(order by Current_TimeStamp) as rowID, col1, col2 From A ) select (select sum(col1) from Ac where rowID <= Ac1.rowID) as col1, CASE WHEN rowid= 1 THEN (select sum(col1)/2 from AC where rowID <=2) WHEN rowID = (select max(rowID) from Ac) THEN (select sum(col1)/2 from AC where rowID >= Ac1.rowID-1) ELSE (select sum(col1/3) from AC where rowID >= Ac1.rowID-1 AND rowID <= Ac1.rowID+1) END as col2 FROM Ac Ac1 drop table A
create table A(col1 int)
insert A select 3
insert A select 2
insert A select 5
insert A select 1
insert A select 4
select *,identity(int,1,1) Cid into #B from A--借用临时表
select col1,(select sum(col1) from #B b where b.cid<=a.cid)累计和,
(select avg(col1*1.0) from #B c where abs(c.cid-a.cid)<=1)前后平均数 from #B a
col1 累计和 前后平均数
----------- ----------- ----------------------------------------
3 3 2.500000
2 5 3.333333
5 10 2.666666
1 11 3.333333
4 15 2.500000
(所影响的行数为 5 行)