日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20590 次
create table #t (id varchar(10), Temp float, [time] varchar(5)) insert #t select '01', 101, '9:01' union all select '01', 99, '9:03' union all select '01', 98, '9:04' union all select '01', 95, '9:07' union all select '01', 98, '9:09' union all select '01', 87, '9:11' union all select '01', 88, '9:21' union all select '01', 102, '9:23' union all select '01', 98, '9:25' union all select '01', 103, '9:38' create table #tt (id varchar(10), Temp float, [time] smalldatetime) --------------------------------------------------- SET NOCOUNT ON Declare @id varchar(10), @Temp float, @time smalldatetime Declare @status int Declare @id_0 varchar(10), @Temp_0 float, @time_0 smalldatetime Declare @cnt int Set @id_0 = '' Set @status = 0 -- 0, not previous record, 1, previous record, not ready, 2, previous record ready Set @cnt = 0 Declare t_cursor Cursor FOR SELECT id, Temp, convert(smalldatetime, [time], 108) From #t order by id, convert(smalldatetime, [time], 108) OPEN t_cursor Fetch Next From t_cursor INTO @id, @Temp, @time WHILE @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin if @id <> @id_0 -- reset everything Begin if @status= 2 -- insert prevous record INsert into #tt select @id_0, @Temp_0, @time_0 select @cnt=0, @id_0 = '', @status = 0 End if @Temp > 100 -- temperature satisfied Begin -- first do the insertion if @status > 0 And @cnt > 5 AND Datediff(minute, @time_0, @time)>20 -- good condition Begin Insert into #tt select @id_0, @Temp_0, @time_0 set @status = 2 -- the current record also good End Else Begin if @status = 2 Insert into #tt select @id_0, @Temp_0, @time_0 set @status = 1 -- this record not good yet End select @cnt = 0, @id_0 = @id, @Temp_0 = @Temp, @time_0 = @time -- reset END ELSE Begin -- temperature not satisfied if @status > 0 set @cnt = @cnt+1 End FETCH NEXT FROM t_cursor INTO @id, @Temp, @time End Close t_cursor Deallocate t_cursor if @status = 2 Begin INsert into #tt select @id_0, @Temp, @time_0 End GO --------------------------------------------- select id, Temp, substring(convert(varchar, time, 8), 1, 5) as [time] from #tt drop table #t drop table #tt
--测试数据:@T declare @T table(id varchar(2),Temp int,time datetime) insert @T select '01',101,'9:01' union all select '01',99,'9:03' union all select '01',98,'9:04' union all select '01',95,'9:07' union all select '01',98,'9:09' union all select '01',87,'9:11' union all select '01',88,'9:21' union all select '01',102,'9:23' --先把符合条件的区间找出来,同一个id可能存在多个符合条件的区间: select * from @T a join @T b on a.id=b.id and datediff(minute,a.time,b.time)>=20 where a.Temp>=100 and b.Temp>=100 and (select count(*) from @T where id=a.id and time>a.time and time<b.time)>5 select distinct a.id from @T a join @T b on a.id=b.id and datediff(minute,a.time,b.time)>=20 where a.Temp>=100 and b.Temp>=100 and (select count(*) from @T where id=a.id and time>a.time and time<b.time)>5 /* id 01 */