日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20738 次

id sub pp
1 d c:\s
1 s_id 54
2 d d:\f
2 s_id 66

id s_id d
1 54 c:\s
2 66 d:\f

declare @a table(id int, sub varchar(10), pp varchar(10))
insert @a select 1 ,'d', 'c:\s'
union all select 1 ,'s_id' ,'54' 
union all select 2 ,'d' ,'d:\f' 
union all select 2 ,'s_id' ,'66' 

select id,
min(case when sub='s_id' then pp end) s_id,
min(case when sub='d' then pp end) d 
from @a group by id


id s_id d
----------- ---------- ---------- 
1 54 c:\s
2 66 d:\f

(所影响的行数为 2 行)
SQL code
declare @t table(id int,  sub varchar(10),  pp  varchar(10)) 
insert @t select 1    , 'd ',     'c:\s ' 
union all select 1    , 's_id '  , '54 '  
union all select 2    , 'd '    , 'd:\f '  
union all select 2    , 's_id '  , '66 '  

(select max(pp) from @t where id=t.id and isnumeric(pp)=1), 
(select max(pp) from @t where id=t.id and isnumeric(pp)=0) 
@t t
group  by ID

(所影响的行数为 4 行)

----------- ---------- ---------- 
1           54         c:\s 
2           66         d:\f 

(所影响的行数为 2 行)