日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20752 次


portid cococd services
9 1 b2
4 1 m2
5 9 m2


portid cococd services
9 1 b2
5 9 m2


create table ss(portid int ,cococd int,services varchar(10))
insert into ss select 9,1,'b2'
insert into ss select 4,1,'m2'
insert into ss select 5,9,'m2'

select max(portid) as portid,max(cococd) as cococd,services from ss group by services
哦。 不好意思理解错楼主的意思了

SQL code

select * from ss  where portid in (select max(portid) from ss group by services)

select table1.* from table1,(select max(portid) as portid,services from table1 group by services) t2 where table1.portid=t2.portid and table1.services=t2.services;
portid cococd services 
9 1 b2 
4 1 m2 
5 9 m2 

select a.* from tb a,
(select services,max(portid) portid from tb group by services) b
where a.services = b.services and a.portid = b.portid
select * from tablename T where portid in(
select top 1 portid from tablename where services=T.services order by protid desc)

select * from #temp t where not exists
(select 1 from #temp where portid>t.portid and services=t.services)
select services from t1 where cocode in (select code from t2)
create table t11(services varchar(10),cocode int)
insert into t11 select 'b2',1
insert into t11 select 'm2',9

create table t12(code int)
insert into t12 select 6
insert into t12 select 9

select t11.services from t11,t12 where t11.cocode=t12.code
select services from t1 where cococd in(select code from t2)