日期:2014-05-18 浏览次数:20486 次
if object_id('SBLX ') is not null drop table SBLX go if object_id('selectByMCOrSCCJ') is not null drop proc selectByMCOrSCCJ go create table SBLX( MC varchar(30), SCCJ varchar(30) ) insert SBLX select 'china','guangdong' union all select 'china','beijing' union all select 'usa','newyork' union all select 'france','paris' go create proc selectByMCOrSCCJ @MC varchar(30)='', @SCCJ varchar(30)='' AS declare @sql nvarchar(1000) if @MC<>'' and @SCCJ<>'' set @sql=N'select MC,SCCJ from SBLX where MC='''+@MC+N''' and SCCJ='''+@SCCJ+N'''' else if @MC<>'' and @SCCJ='' set @sql=N'select MC,SCCJ from SBLX where MC='''+@MC+N'''' else set @sql=N'select MC,SCCJ from SBLX where SCCJ='''+@SCCJ+N'''' --print @sql exec sp_executesql @sql go exec selectByMCOrSCCJ 'china','' drop proc selectByMCOrSCCJ drop table SBLX