id num
01 0
01 1
01 -1
id n1 n2 n3
01 0 1 -1
create table #a (id varchar(10),num varchar(100))
insert into #a
select '01 ',0
union all select '01 ',1
union all select '01 ',-1
union all select '02 ',5
union all select '02 ',16
union all select '02 ',-8
------解决方案--------------------create table a (id varchar(10),num varchar(10))
insert into a
select '01 ',0
union all select '01 ',1
union all select '01 ',-1
union all select '02 ',5
union all select '02 ',16
union all select '02 ',-8
select id,
max(case px when 1 then num else ' ' end) n1,
max(case px when 2 then num else ' ' end) n2,
max(case px when 3 then num else ' ' end) n3
select px=(select count(1) from a where id=t.id and num <t.num)+1 , * from a t
) t
group by id
drop table a
id n1 n2 n3
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
01 0 1 -1
02 16 5 -8
(所影响的行数为 2 行)
------解决方案--------------------create table #a (id varchar(10),num varchar(100))
insert into #a
select '01 ',0
union all select '01 ',1
union all select '01 ',-1
union all select '02 ',5
union all select '02 ',16
union all select '02 ',-8
select iden=identity(int,1,1),* into #b from #a
declare @T varchar(10),@Max int,@sql varchar(8000)
select top 1 @Max=count(1),@T=1 from #b group by id order by count(1) desc
while @T <=@Max select @sql=coalesce(@sql+ ', ', 'select id, ')+ '[n '+@T+ ']=max(case cn when '+@T+ ' then num end) ',@T=@T+1
set @sql=@sql+ ' from (select id,num,cn=(select count(1) from #b where id=a.id and iden <=a.iden) from #b a) a group by id '
id n1 n2 n3
01 0 1 -1
02 5 16 -8
drop table #a,#b
------解决方案--------------------create table #a (id varchar(10),num varchar(100))
insert into #a
select '01 ',0
union all select '01 ',1
union all select '01 ',-1
union all select '02 ',5
union all select '02 ',16
union all select '02 ',-8
select *,i=identity(int,0,1) into #x from #a
select id,
a=max(case when i%3=0 then num end),
b=max(case when i%3=1 then num end),
c=max(case when i%3=2 then num end)
from #x
group by id
drop table #a,#x
------解决方案--------------------select *,identity(int,1,1) as tt into # from #a
select distinct id into #b from #a order by id
declare @i int,@sql varchar(1000)
set @i=1
while (select count(1) from #) <> 0
select @sql= 'alter table #b add n '+convert(varchar(1