xinhao=trim(Request.from( "model "))
corp_code=Trim(Request.from( "corp_code "))
cheshi=trim(request.Form( "testing "))
qie=trim(request.Form( "anxious "))
mopian=trim(request.Form( "mopian "))
bangding=trim(request.Form( "bangding "))
cent_check=Trim(Request.form( "cent_check "))
auto_check=Trim(Request.Form( "auto_check "))
Set padd1 = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RecordSet ")
Sq = "Select * From [main_product] Where xinhao= ' "&xinhao& " ' and selkelev= ' "&corp_code& " ' and cheshi= ' "&cheshi& " ' and qie= ' "&qie& " ' and mopian= ' "&mopian& " ' and bangding= ' "&bangding& " ' and cent_check= ' "¢_check& " ' and auto_check= ' "&auto_check& " ' "
padd1.Open Sq,Conn,1,3
------解决方案--------------------col1 = 1 or col1 is null
Select * From [main_product] Where isnull(xinhao,-1) = isnull(xinhao,-1)
------解决方案--------------------Sql = "Select *
From [main_product]
Where (xinhao IS NULL OR xinhao= ' "&xinhao& " ')
and (selkelev IS NULL OR selkelev= ' "&corp_code& " ')
and (cheshi IS NULL OR cheshi= ' "&cheshi& " ')
and (qie IS NULL OR qie= ' "&qie& " ')
and (mopian IS NULL OR mopian= ' "&mopian& " ')
and (bangding IS NULL OR bangding= ' "&bangding& " ')
and (cent_check IS NULL OR cent_check= ' "¢_check& " ')
and (auto_check IS NULL OR auto_check= ' "&auto_check& " ') "