日期:2014-05-18  浏览次数:20621 次

简单问题 高手指教
id   group   name
1       2           ss
2       3           ds
3       3           er
4       2           sd
5       3           sd
比如我知道   id   5   我怎么得到他的上一个id3呢?

select top 1 id from 表 where [group]=(select [group] from 表 where id=5) and id < 5 order by id desc

表 t
t.id <5
not exists(select 1 from 表 where and id <5 and group=t.group and id> t.id)
declare @Test table(id int,[group] int,name varchar(2))
insert @Test
select 1,2, 'ss ' union all
select 2,3, 'ds ' union all
select 3,3, 'er ' union all
select 4,2, 'sd ' union all
select 5,3, 'sd '

declare @id int
set @id=5

select top 1 * from @Test a where [group]=(select [group] from @Test where id=@id) and id <@id order by id desc

create table tb (id int,[group] int,name varchar(10))
insert into tb values(1, 2, 'ss ')
insert into tb values(2, 3, 'ds ')
insert into tb values(3, 3, 'er ')
insert into tb values(4, 2, 'sd ')
insert into tb values(5, 3, 'sd ')
declare @id as int
set @id = 5

select max(id) id from
(select name , max(id) id from tb group by name) t
where id <> @id

drop table tb


(所影响的行数为 1 行)

declare @a table(id int identity(1,1),groups int,name varchar(20))
insert @a
select 2, 'ss '
union all
select 3, 'ds '
union all
select 3, 'er '
union all
select 2, 'sd '
union all
select 3, 'sd '

select top 1 * from @a where groups=(select groups from @a where id=5 ) order by id desc


(所影响的行数为 5 行)

id groups name
----------- ----------- --------------------
5 3 sd

(所影响的行数为 1 行)

少了个条件 id <5
declare @a table(id int identity(1,1),groups int,name varchar(20))
insert @a
select 2, 'ss '
union all
select 3, 'ds '
union all
select 3, 'er '
union all
select 2, 'sd '
union all
select 3, 'sd '

select top 1 * from @a where groups=(select groups from @a where id=5 ) and id <5 order by id desc


(所影响的行数为 5 行)

id groups name
----------- ----------- --------------------