日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20443 次
/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
FROM [QTKCenter].[dbo].[SpendHistory]
where [CardNo] ='6212262409000028515' and [ExTime] between '2013-3-1' and '2013-3-31'
select *
from [QTKCenter].[dbo].[SpendHistory] a
where exists (select 1 from (
select max(sendtime)sendtime,extime,exstantion
from [QTKCenter].[dbo].[SpendHistory]
group by extime,exstantion)b where a.extime=b.extime and a.exstantion=b.exstantion
and a.sendtime=b.sendtime) and [CardNo] ='6212262409000028515' and [ExTime] between '2013-3-1' and '2013-3-31'
select a.*
(SELECT [CardNo]
FROM [QTKCenter].[dbo].[SpendHistory]
where [CardNo] ='6212262409000028515' and [ExTime] between '2013-3-1' and '2013-3-31'
inner join
SELECT Extime,ExStantion,max(sendTime) as sendTime
FROM [QTKCenter].[dbo].[SpendHistory]
where [CardNo] ='6212262409000028515' and [ExTime] between '2013-3-1' and '2013-3-31'
group by Extime,ExStantion
)b on a.Extime=b.Extime and a.ExStantion=b.ExStantion and a.sendTime=b.sendTime