IndustryCode nvarchar
CapableId int
KeyId int
MaxScore float
MinScore float
AvaScore float
SELECT vocationCode, CapId, KeyId,MAX(Data) AS maxS, MIN(Data) AS minS, AVG(Data) AS avgS
FROM CompanyKeyData
GROUP BY CapId, KeyId, vocationCode
检索出的结果要写入IndustryScore,如果IndustryCode,CapableId, KeyId三个值数据库中已经有相同的了,则对相应的值进行修改,如果
------解决方案--------------------Create Proc dbo.P_WriteIndustryScore
set nocount on
Insert Into IndustryScore
SELECT vocationCode, CapId, KeyId,MAX(Data) AS maxS, MIN(Data) AS minS, AVG(Data) AS avgS
FROM CompanyKeyData as pqh
Where not Exists(select 1 from IndustryScore as pqs
where pqh.IndustryCode=pqs.vocationCode
and pqs.CapableId=pqh.CapId and pqs.KeyId=pqh.KeyId)
GROUP BY pqh.CapId,pqh.KeyId,pqh.vocationCode
update IndustryScore
set MaxScore=MAX(Data),MinScore=MIN(Data),AvaScore=AVG(Data)
FROM CompanyKeyData
and IndustryScore.CapableId=CompanyKeyData.CapId
and CompanyKeyData.KeyId=IndustryScore.KeyId)
GROUP BY CompanyKeyData.CapId, CompanyKeyData.KeyId, CompanyKeyData.vocationCode
set nocount off
insert into IndustryScore
select * from
SELECT vocationCode, CapId, KeyId,MAX(Data) AS maxS, MIN(Data) AS minS, AVG(Data) AS avgS
FROM CompanyKeyData
GROUP BY CapId, KeyId, vocationCode
) t
where cast(vocationCode as varchar) + cast(CapId as varchar) + cast(KeyId as varchar) not in
(select cast(IndustryCode as varchar) + cast(CapableId as varchar) + cast(KeyId as varchar) from IndustryScore)
update IndustryScore
set MaxScore = t.maxS,
MinScore = t.minS,
AvaScore = t.avgs
from IndustryScore m,
SELECT vocationCode, CapId, KeyId,MAX(Data) AS maxS, MIN(Data) AS minS, AVG(Data) AS avgS
FROM CompanyKeyData
GROUP BY CapId, KeyId, vocationCode
) t
where m.IndustryCode = t.vocationCode and m.CapableId = t.CapId and m.KeyId = t.KeyId
比如这样:select ……insert newtable form table1 left join table2 on table1。field=table2.field