create procedure test
create table #tmp(
pc_id int default 0 not null,
dpt_id int default 0 not null,
shelf_code varchar(20) null,
goods_id int default 0 not null,
offer_id int default 0 not null,
goods_sl numeric(9,2) default 0 not null,
buy_price money default 0 not null,
qty numeric(18,4) default 0 not null,
zt_qty numeric(18,4) default 0 not null
select @str= 'insert into #tmp(pc_id, dpt_id, shelf_code, goods_id, offer_id, goods_sl, buy_price, qty, zt_qty) ' +
'select a.pc_id, a.dpt_id, a.shelf_code, a.goods_id, a.offer_id, a.goods_sl, a.buy_price, a.rk_qty-a.ck_qty as qty, a.zt_qty '+
'from tbl_stock_qty a, tbl_goods_info b, tbl_kind_info c where a.goods_id=b.goods_id and b.kind_id=c.kind_id '
select * from #tmp
目的是把查询结果保存到#tmp里面, 然后再根据条件对#tmp里面内容进行不同的分组查询. 我在最后执行select * from #tmp,但是在执行过程test的时候#tmp中没数据.
exec ( 'select a.pc_id, a.dpt_id, a.shelf_code, a.goods_id, a.offer_id, a.goods_sl, a.buy_price, a.rk_qty-a.ck_qty as qty, a.zt_qty '+
'from tbl_stock_qty a, tbl_goods_info b, tbl_kind_info c where a.goods_id=b.goods_id and b.kind_id=c.kind_id ')
create table #tmp(
pc_id int default 0 not null,
dpt_id int default 0 not null,
shelf_code varchar(20) null,
goods_id int default 0 not null,
offer_id int default 0 not null,
goods_sl numeric(9,2) default 0 not null,
buy_price money default 0 not null,
qty numeric(18,4) default 0 not null,
zt_qty numeric(18,4) default 0 not null
select @str=insert into #tmp(pc_id, dpt_id, shelf_code, goods_id, offer_id, goods_sl, buy_price, qty, zt_qty
select a.pc_id, a.dpt_id, a.shelf_code, a.goods_id, a.offer_id, a.goods_sl, a.buy_price, a.rk_qty-a.ck_qty as qty, a.zt_qty
from tbl_stock_qty a, tbl_goods_info b, tbl_kind_info c where a.goods_id=b.goods_id and b.kind_id=c.kind_id
select * from #tmp
------解决方案----------------------应该没有问题, 看下面的测试
use tempdb
create procedure test
create table #tmp(
id int )
declare @str nvarchar(1000)
select @str= 'insert into #tmp(id)
select id from sysobjects '