"select FieldContent from QBS_SHOPInfo_ntext where shopID= "&shopID& " and (FieldName= 'shopIntro ' or FieldName= 'ServiceSDD ' or FieldName= 'ZiZhi ' or FieldName= 'BuildCharacteristic ' or FieldName= 'ServicePrice ' or FieldName= 'DesignSDD ' or FieldName= 'zuixincuxiao ' or FieldName= 'ServiceProcess ') "
"select FieldContent from QBS_SHOPInfo_ntext where shopID= "&shopID& " and (FieldName in( 'shopIntro ', 'ServiceSDD ', 'ZiZhi ' , 'BuildCharacteristic ' , 'ServicePrice ', 'DesignSDD ' , 'zuixincuxiao ', 'ServiceProcess ')) "
------解决方案--------------------create NONCLUSTERED index index_name
on tablename
"select FieldContent from QBS_SHOPInfo_ntext where shopID= "&shopID& " and (FieldName in( 'shopIntro ', 'ServiceSDD ', 'ZiZhi ' , 'BuildCharacteristic ' , 'ServicePrice ', 'DesignSDD ' , 'zuixincuxiao ', 'ServiceProcess ')) "
------解决方案--------------------select FieldContent from QBS_SHOPInfo_ntext a inner join
(select 'shopIntro ' FieldName
union all
select 'ServiceSDD '
union all
select 'ServiceProcess '
) as b on a.FieldName=b.FieldName where shopID= "&shopID& "