日期:2014-05-19  浏览次数:20649 次

ID   Name
1     John
2     Kary
3     Betty
4     Joe
5     Tony
3     Betty
4     Joe
5     Tony

create table tab(ID int, Name varchar(10))
insert tab
select 1 , 'John '
union all select 2 , 'Kary '
union all select 3, 'Betty '
union all select 4 , 'Joe '
union all select 5 , 'Tony '

select top 1 id,name from tab where id <4 order by id desc

select id,name from tab where id=4

select top 1 id,name from tab where id> 4 order by id

drop table tab
Create Procedure SP_TEST(@ID Int)
Select * From ( Select TOP 1 * From TEST Where ID < @ID Order By ID Desc) A
Union All
Select * From TEST Where ID = @ID
Union All
Select * From ( Select TOP 1 * From TEST Where ID > @ID Order By ID ) B

declare @t table(
id int,
name varchar(10))

insert @t select 1, 'John '
union all select 3, 'Kary '
union all select 5, 'Betty '
union all select 7, 'Joe '
union all select 9, 'Tony '

select * from @t
where id = (select top 1 id from @t where id < 7 order by id desc)
union all
select * from @t
where id = 7
union all
select * from @t
where id = (select top 1 id from @t where id > 7)

id name
----------- ----------
5 Betty
7 Joe
9 Tony

(所影响的行数为 3 行)

create table tab(ID int, Name varchar(10))
insert tab
select 1 , 'John '
union all select 2 , 'Kary '
union all select 3, 'Betty '
union all select 4 , 'Joe '
union all select 5 , 'Tony '

select * from tab where id=(select max(id) from tab where id <4)
union all
select id,name from tab where id=4
union all
select * from tab where id=(select min(id) from tab where id> 4)

drop table tab
declare @t table(
id int,
name varchar(10))

insert @t select 1, 'John '
union all select 3, 'Kary '
union all select 5, 'Betty '
union all select 7, 'Joe '
union all select 9, 'Tony '

select * from @t a where id = 7
or not exists (
select 1 from @t where id> 7 and id <a.id
) and a.id> 7
or not exists (
select 1 from @t where id <7 and id> a.id
) and a.id <7

id name
----------- ----------
5 Betty
7 Joe
9 Tony

(所影响的行数为 3 行)

select * from t where id in((select min(id) from t where id > 4),select max(id) from t where id <4),4)