日期:2014-05-19  浏览次数:20442 次

请高手看看这个查询语句该如何写 高分求
A               B
1           0101
2             0
3           0201
4             0
5           0902
6             0
7           1101
8             0
9           1102



--drop table t
create table t
A int identity(1,1) not null ,
B varchar(10)
insert into t(B) select '0101 '
union all select '0 '
union all select '0201 '
union all select '0 '
union all select '0902 '
union all select '0 '
union all select '1101 '
union all select '0 '
union all select '1102 '

如果 A 连续且唯一
select * from t m
where b=0 and not exists (select 1 from t n where n.b = '0101 ' and (m.A =n.A +1 or m.A =n.A -1) )

----------- ----------
4 0
6 0
8 0

(所影响的行数为 3 行)
declare @ta table
(A int ,B varchar(10))
insert into @ta select 1, '0101 '
union all select 2, '0 '
union all select 3, '0201 '
union all select 4, '0 '
union all select 5, '0902 '
union all select 6, '0 '
union all select 7, '1101 '
union all select 8, '0 '
union all select 9, '1102 '
--把 '0101 '换为变量就行了
select * from @ta a
where b=0 and
not exists(select 1 from @ta where b= '0101 ' and a! <a.a)
a not in(select top 1 a from @ta b where a > (select a from @ta where b= '0101 '))

(9 行受影响)
----------- ----------
4 0
6 0
8 0

(3 行受影响)