日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20647 次
declare @t table(a int,b int,c int)
insert into @t select 1,2,3
insert into @t select 3,8,2
insert into @t select 8,5,4
select * from @t
if object_id('UF_avg')is not null drop function UF_avg
create function UF_avg
(@col1 int,@col2 int,@col3 int)
returns int
declare @t table(col int)
insert @t select @col1 union all
select @col2 union all
select @col3
return(select col from @t WHERE col <(SELECT MAX(col) FROM @t) AND col>(SELECT MIN(col) FROM @t))
declare @t table(a int,b int,c INT)
insert into @t select 1,2,3
insert into @t select 3,8,2
insert into @t select 8,5,4
--select * from @t
select *,[中值]=dbo.UF_avg(a,b,c)
from @t
a b c 中值
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2 3 2
3 8 2 3
8 5 4 5
with t as(
select * from(
values(1,2,3),(3,8,2),(8,5,4)) t(a,b,c))
select a,b,c,a+b+c-case when a>b then case when a>c then a else c end else case when b>c then b else c end end
-case when a<b then case when a<c then a else c end else case when b<c then b else c end end
from t
select case
when (
(a<b and b<c)
or (a>b and b>c)
or (a<b and a<c and b<c)
or (c<a and c<b and a>b)
) then b
when (