日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20757 次
create table #tb(id int,[Money] numeric(12,2),D_T datetime)
insert into #tb
select 1,200.00,'2013-05-04 12:22:24'
union all select 2,300.00,'2013-05-04 12:22:26'
union all select 3,500.00,'2013-05-04 12:22:54'
union all select 4,200.00,'2013-05-04 12:23:24'
select * from #tb
select *
from (
select *,(select sum([money]) from #tb b where b.id<=a.id) as l_money
from #tb a
where l_money>=1000
3 500.00 2013-05-04 12:22:54.000 1000.00
4 200.00 2013-05-04 12:23:24.000 1200.00
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp', 'u') is not null drop table #temp;
create table #temp(会员ID INT, [id] INT, [Money] DECIMAL(10,2), [D_T] DATETIME);
insert #temp
select '1','1','200.00','20130504 12:22:24' union all
select '1','2','300.00','20130504 12:22:26' union all
select '1','3','500.00','20130504 12:22:54' union all
select '1','4','200.00','20130504 12:23:24'
SELECT t.会员ID, t.id, t.[Money], t.[D_t] FROM
总充值金额=SUM(m.[Money]) OVER(PARTITION BY 会员ID),
累计充值金额=(SELECT SUM([Money]) FROM #temp n WHERE n.会员ID=m.会员ID AND n.d_t >= m.d_t)
FROM #temp m
) t
WHERE 总充值金额 >= 1000
AND 累计充值金额 <= 1000
会员ID id Money D_t
1 2 300.00 2013-05-04 12:22:26.000