日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20750 次
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[statisticsMoneyInfo]
@DTime datetime, --时间
@DTimeEnd datetime, --时间
@PSTypeID int,
@iPageSize int --页面大小
,@iIndexPage int --多少页
,@xiadan money output --下单
,@cedan money output --撤单
,@jiangli1 money output --奖励
,@jiangli2 money output --奖励2
Select UserID
,row_number() over (order by userId asc) as rowNum --行号,ID排序
into #temp100 --存入临时表
from UserInfo where AId=0
select UserID as userid into #userIdTable from #temp100 where rowNum between @iPageSize*(@iIndexPage-1)+1 and (@iPageSize*@iIndexPage)--查询要统计的顶级代理UserId
--#userIdTable所有的要统计的UserId 都在这个里面。下面是对每个userid统计,不知道不用循环怎么统计,
DECLARE @AgentId int; --
set @AgentId=0
SELECT @AgentId = count(*) FROM #userIdTable
while @AgentId>0
@AgentId as 用户ID,
sum(case ChangeMoneyInfo.ChangeTypeID when 1 then changeMoney else 0 end) as 下单,
sum(case ChangeMoneyInfo.ChangeTypeID when 3 then changeMoney else 0 end) as 撤单,
sum(case ChangeMoneyInfo.ChangeTypeID when 2 then changeMoney else 0 end) as 奖励,
sum(case ChangeMoneyInfo.ChangeTypeID when 4 then changeMoney else 0 end) as 奖励2
into #temp --存入临时表
from dbo.ChangeMoneyInfo
where 1=1
and PSTypeID=isnull(@PSTypeID,PSTypeID)
and (ChangeMoneyInfo.userId in ((select UserID from Userinfo where AllAgentId like '%|'+cast(@AgentId as varchar(10))+'|%' or UserID=@AgentId)))--团队会员)
and ChangeTime>=Isnull(@DTime,ChangeTime)
and ChangeTime<=Isnull(@DTimeEnd,ChangeTime)
delete from #userIdTable where userid=@AgentId
drop table #userIdTable drop table #temp
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[statisticsMoneyInfo]
@DTime datetime, --时间
@DTimeEnd datetime, --时间
@PSTypeID int,
@iPageSize int --页面大小
,@iIndexPage int --多少页
,@xiadan money output --下单
,@cedan money output --撤单
,@jiangli1 money output --奖励
,@jiangli2 money output --奖励2
CREATE TABLE #temp100(USERID INT,rowNum int)
CREATE TABLE #temp (用户ID INT,下单 INT,撤单 INT ,奖励 INT,奖励2 INT )--存入临时表
INSERT INTO into #temp100
Select UserID
,row_number() over (order by userId asc) as rowNum --行号,ID排序
from UserInfo where AId=0
select UserID as userid into #userIdTable from #temp100 where rowNum between @iPageSize*(@iIndexPa