sql语句如何 按指定的某列的摸个值排序
select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009' order by HumanCode='03'
------解决方案--------------------如果HumanCode 固定只有那么几个,可以用Case
select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009'
order by case when HumanCode='03' then 1
else 2 end asc
------解决方案--------------------select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009' and HumanCode='03'
union all
select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009' and HumanCode=<>'03'
------解决方案--------------------select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009' and HumanCode='03'
union all
select * from dbo.Archives_CM where cmcode='3707850101000009' and HumanCode<>'03' --上面不小心多了个符号。