日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20538 次
BarCode dt TP0 TP1 TestType
aaa 2013-2-3 12 13 0
aaa 2013-2-4 11 14 0
aaa 2013-3-6 15 23 1
aaa 2013-3-7 17 25 1
BarCode dt TP10 TP11 TestType
aaa 2013-1-3 15 17 0
aaa 2013-2-1 13 12 0
aaa 2013-1-16 21 22 1
aaa 2013-1-17 27 35 1
BarCode dt TP0 TP1 TP10 TP11 TestType
aaa 2013-2-4 11 14 13 12 0
aaa 2013-3-7 17 25 27 35 1
select a.BarCode, -- BarCode取哪个自己定逻辑
case when a.dt<b.dt then b.dt else a.dt end dt, a.TP0, a.TP1, b.TP10, b.TP11, a.TestType
from T_Result a, M_Result b where a.TestType=b.TestType
and not exists (select 1 from T_Result where TestType=a.TestType and dt>a.dt)
and not exists (select 1 from M_Result where TestType=b.TestType and dt>b.dt)
select barcode,dt,tp0,tp1,tp10,tp11,testtype from(select row=row_number()over(partition by a.barcode,a.testtype order by (case when a.dt<b.dt then b.dt else a.dt end) desc),a.barcode, dt=(case when a.dt<b.dt then b.dt else a.dt end),a.tp0, a.tp1, b.tp10, b.tp11, a.testtype
from t_result a join m_result b on a.barcode=b.barcode and a.testtype=b.testtype)t where row=1