日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20751 次
select *,sum()over(partition by po order by ttem) from tb
select orderid,custid,val,
SUM(val) over(partition by custid)as custtotalvalue
from Sales.OrderValues
create table js
(Item varchar(10), po varchar(10),num int)
insert into js
select 'A','P1',10 union all
select 'B','P1',10 union all
select 'C','P1',10 union all
select 'D','Q2',8 union all
select 'E','Q2',7 union all
select 'F','P1',5 union all
select 'G','P1',8 union all
select 'H','Q2',5
with t as
(select Item,po,num,
row_number() over(order by getdate()) 'rn'
from js),
u as
(select a.rn,row_number() over(order by a.rn) 'pn'
from t a
left join t b on a.rn=b.rn-1
where a.po!=b.po or b.rn is null),
v as
(select Item,po,num,(select top 1 pn from u
where u.rn>=t.rn) 'ln'
from t)
select a.Item,a.po,a.num,b.tot
from v a
left join
(select po,ln,sum(num) 'tot'
from v
group by po,ln) b on a.po=b.po and a.ln=b.ln
Item po num tot
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