,自己先把需求理清楚 ------解决方案-------------------- Select *,分类结果=(Select top 1 fl From t_cashu as C Where C.lx1=J.lx1 And C.lx2=J.lx2 And C.JE>=J.JE1 And C.JE<=J.JE2 order by sx desc ) From t_jilu表 as J ------解决方案--------------------
如果数据条件满足2个参数表条件 如何取?
select a.人员编号 ,a.姓名 ,a.金额 ,a.类型1 ,a.类型2 b.分类 as 分类结果
from 【数据表】 a
outer apply(select top (1) x.分类
from 【参数表】 x
where isnull(x.类型1,a.类型1)=a.类型1
and isnull(x.类型2,a.类型2) = a.类型2
and a.金额 between isnull(x.金额1,a.金额) and isnull(x.金额2,a.金额)
order by x.类型1 desc ,x.类型1 desc ,x.金额1 desc ,x.金额2 desc
) b ------解决方案-------------------- 12楼正解!