name time grade
张三 2011 30
李四 2011 60
取出2011之前有过记录的 在2011的第一个写入数据库的grade
------解决方案-------------------- with tb(name,time,grade)
select '张三',2009,10 union all
select '张三',2010,20 union all
select '张三',2011,30 union all
select '李四',2010,50 union all
select '李四',2011,60 union all
select '李四',2011,70 union all
select '王五',2011,80)
select name,time,grade from(
select row=row_number()over(partition by name order by getdate()),name,grade,time from tb tb1 where time=2011 and (select count(1) from tb tb2 where time<2011 and tb1.name=tb2.name)>0
)t where row=1 order by grade ------解决方案--------------------
;with cte1 as(
select *,rn=row_number() over(order by getdate()) from tb
cte2 as
(select *,gid=rn-(select count(1) from cte1 where time=t.time and rn<t.rn)
from cte1 t
select name,time,grade
from cte2 t
where not exists(select 1 from cte2 where time=2011 and gid=t.gid and rn<t.rn)
and time=2011
select * from tb as a where name in(select name from tb where year(time)<2011)
and exists
(select 1 from tb where a.name=name and year(time)>=2011
group by name having min(time)=a.time)
create table #temp
name varchar(20) not null,
[time] datetime not null,
grade int
insert into #temp
select '张三','2009',10 union all
select '张三','2010',20 union all
select '张三','2011',30 union all
select '李四','2010',50 union all
select '李四','2011',60 union all
select '李四','2011',70 union all
select '王五','2011',80