??? 昨天突然在一篇博客中看到了Mysql也有rollup函数,原博文使用了rollup进行行列统计,原博文链接如下:
??? http://www.cnblogs.com/lhj588/archive/2012/06/15/2550392.html
??? 本博文主要是记录下mysql和oracle使用rollup函数进行行列统计,内容比较简单。
??? 首先是mysql,建表测试:
CREATE TABLE `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `c1` char(2) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `c2` char(2) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL, `c3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin
INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (1, 'A1', 'B1', 9); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (2, 'A2', 'B1', 7); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (3, 'A3', 'B1', 4); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (4, 'A4', 'B1', 2); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (5, 'A1', 'B2', 2); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (6, 'A2', 'B2', 9); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (7, 'A3', 'B2', 8); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (8, 'A4', 'B2', 5); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (9, 'A1', 'B3', 1); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (10, 'A2', 'B3', 8); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (11, 'A3', 'B3', 8); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (12, 'A4', 'B3', 6); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (13, 'A1', 'B4', 8); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (14, 'A2', 'B4', 2); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (15, 'A3', 'B4', 6); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (16, 'A4', 'B4', 9); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (17, 'A1', 'B4', 3); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (18, 'A2', 'B4', 5); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (19, 'A3', 'B4', 2); INSERT INTO `tmysql_test_hanglietongji` VALUES (20, 'A4', 'B4', 5);
?? 要完成的效果如下:
????? 最简单的是使用union,如下:
select ifnull(c1, 'total') as 'total', sum(if(c2 = 'B1', C3, 0)) AS B1, sum(if(c2 = 'B2', C3, 0)) AS B2, sum(if(c2 = 'B3', C3, 0)) AS B3, sum(if(c2 = 'B4', C3, 0)) AS B4, SUM(C3) AS TOTAL from tmysql_test_hanglietongji group by C1 union select 'total' as 'total', sum(if(c2 = 'B1', C3, 0)) AS B1, sum(if(c2 = 'B2', C3, 0)) AS B2, sum(if(c2 = 'B3', C3, 0)) AS B3, sum(if(c2 = 'B4', C3, 0)) AS B4, SUM(C3) AS TOTAL from tmysql_test_hanglietongji order by 1
??? 也可以使用with rollup函数。注意当使用 rollup时, 你不能同时使用 order by子句进行结果排序
select ifnull(c1, 'total') 'total', sum(if(c2 = 'B1', C3, 0)) AS B1, sum(if(c2 = 'B2', C3, 0)) AS B2, sum(if(c2 = 'B3', C3, 0)) AS B3, sum(if(c2 = 'B4', C3, 0)) AS B4, SUM(C3) AS TOTAL from tmysql_test_hanglietongji group by C1 with rollup;
?? with rollup其实是第一个的简化。
?? 也可以这样写:
SELECT IFNULL(c1, 'total') AS total, SUM(IF(c2 = 'B1', c3, 0)) AS B1, SUM(IF(c2 = 'B2', c3, 0)) AS B2, SUM(IF(c2 = 'B3', c3, 0)) AS B3, SUM(IF(c2 = 'B4', c3, 0)) AS B4, SUM(IF(c2 = 'total', c3, 0)) AS total FROM (SELECT c1, IFNULL(c2, 'total') AS c2, SUM(c3) AS c3 FROM tmysql_test_hanglietongji GROUP BY c1, c2 WITH ROLLUP HAVING