执行嵌套更新,遇到错误You can't specify target table 'scar' for update in FROM clause
update scar
set main_resource_id=(
? select id from ?scar2
? where 1=1 and scar2.subject_templates_activity_resource_id=(
? ? select main_resource_id from ?star?
? ? where 1=1 and star.id=scar.subject_templates_activity_resource_id
? ? )
? )
where 1=1?
and scar.group_type=2
update ?scar
inner join scar2
inner join ?star?
set scar.main_resource_id=scar2.id
where 1=1
and scar2.subject_templates_activity_resource_id=star.main_resource_id
and star.id=scar.subject_templates_activity_resource_id
and scar.group_type=2
and scar.activity_id in (select id from rsc_subject_cases_activity sca where sca.subject_cases_id='1')