日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20900 次
在执行相关的SQL语句中,在mysql里进程容易出现一些file temp类似的字眼,该字眼告诉我们我们的宿主sql采用了文件排序等操作,这可能会极大的影响我们的需要获取结果集的效率问题。
ut_ad(error == DB_SUCCESS); /* Commit the data dictionary transaction in order to release the table locks on the system tables. This means that if MySQL crashes while creating a new primary key inside row_merge_build_indexes(), indexed_table will not be dropped by trx_rollback_active(). It will have to be recovered or dropped by the database administrator. */ trx_commit_for_mysql(trx); row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary(trx); dict_locked = FALSE; ut_a(trx->n_active_thrs == 0); ut_a(UT_LIST_GET_LEN(trx->signals) == 0); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(new_primary)) { /* A primary key is to be built. Acquire an exclusive table lock also on the table that is being created. */ ut_ad(indexed_table != prebuilt->table); error = row_merge_lock_table(prebuilt->trx, indexed_table, LOCK_X); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(error != DB_SUCCESS)) { goto error_handling; } } /* Read the clustered index of the table and build indexes based on this information using temporary files and merge sort. */ error = row_merge_build_indexes(prebuilt->trx, prebuilt->table, indexed_table, index, num_of_idx, table); ----handler0alter.cc指定句柄操作过程中文件排序带来的merge的操作
for (i = 0; i < n_index; i++) {
row_merge_buf_t* buf = merge_buf[i];
merge_file_t* file = &files[i];
const dict_index_t* index = buf->index;
(row && row_merge_buf_add(buf, row, ext))) {
/* The buffer must be sufficiently large
to hold at least one record. */
ut_ad(buf->n_tuples || !has_next);
/* We have enough data tuples to form a block.
Sort them and write to disk. */
if (buf->n_tuples) {
if (dict_index_is_unique(index)) {
row_merge_dup_t dup;
dup.index = buf->index;
dup.table = table;
dup.n_dup = 0;
row_merge_buf_sort(buf, &dup);---row0merge.c文件中的,merge算法中排序的指定