日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:21163 次
onload_table(Host) -> ?DEBUG("In ~p module ~p onload data from mysql Host ~p ~n", [?MODULE, ?LINE, Host]), odbc_queries:sql_get_privacy_list_default(Host), PrivacyListDefault = case catch odbc_queries:sql_get_privacy_list_default(Host) of {selected, ["username", "name"], []} ->[]; {selected, ["username", "name"], PrivacyListDefault1} -> PrivacyListDefault1 end, PrivacyListData = case catch odbc_queries:sql_get_privacy_list_data(Host) of {selected, ["id", "t", "value", "action", "ord", "match_all", "match_iq", "match_message", "match_presence_in", "match_presence_out"], []} ->[]; {selected, ["id", "t", "value", "action", "ord", "match_all", "match_iq", "match_message", "match_presence_in", "match_presence_out"], RItems} -> Items = lists:map(fun raw_to_item_with_id/1, RItems), Items end, case catch odbc_queries:sql_get_privacy_list(Host) of {selected, ["username", "name", "id"], []} -> []; {selected, ["username", "name", "id"], PrivacyList} -> assemble_data(PrivacyListDefault, PrivacyList, PrivacyListData, [],Host) end. assemble_data(DList, [P | PList], PLData, Res,Host)-> case P of {UserName, ListName, Id} -> Default = case [{K, V} || {K, V} <- DList, K =:= UserName] of [] -> none; [{UserName, ListName}] -> ListName; _ -> none end, Test = [{listitem, Type, Value, Action, Order, All, Iq, Message, In, Out} ||{Kid, {listitem, Type, Value, Action, Order, All, Iq, Message, In, Out}} <- PLData, Kid =:= Id], ListItems = %case [{listitem, Type, Value, Action, Order, All, Iq, Message, In, Out} % || {listitem, Type, Value, Action, Order, All, Iq, Message, In, Out} % <- PLData, Order =:= Id] of case [ListItem || {Kid, #listitem{}=ListItem} <- PLData, Kid =:= Id] of ListItems1 when is_list(ListItems1)-> ListItems1; [] -> []; _ -> [] end, Privacy = #privacy{us = {UserName, Host}, default = Default, lists = ListItems}, mnesia:dirty_write(Privacy), assemble_data(DList, PList, PLData, Res,Host); _ -> assemble_data(DList, PList, PLData, Res,Host) end; assemble_data(_DList, [], _PLData, Res,_Host)-> Res.?