日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20721 次

MacPorts:Install and configure MySQL 5


基本命令:mac port command



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sudo port selfupdate

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sudo port uninstall package

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sudo port upgrade outdated

* 删除为激活的包

sudo port uninstall inactive





Install and configure MySQL 5 with MacPorts


I decided to move my MySQL server installation from the server I installed from MySQL .com to macports. Why? I believe MacPorts will simplify future upgrades. I'd also like to keep my LAMP installs in the same location. If you haven't already, install and configure MacPorts . Here are the steps I'll go over:

  • Intall MySQL 5
  • Create the initial MySQL databases
  • Options for starting MySQL
  • Confirm that MySQL is running
  • Set Basic MySQL Security

Install MySQL 5

You can install using Porticus, Port Authority, or from the command line:

  1. sudo??port ?install??mysql5?+server??