日期:2014-05-16 浏览次数:20836 次
由于没有找到LINUX下64位的PHP套件, XAMPP,WAMPP只支持32位的LINUX,
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo apt-get install php5 sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Apache 网站的默认根目录在/var/www下
<?php phpinfo();
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
重起APACHE之后, 如果在浏览器当中能访问这个文件, 可以看到PHP, APACHE已经成功安装成功了
To install MySQL, run the following command from a terminal prompt:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql (MySQL Module for PHP)
For this install php5-gd package. (i.e apt-get install php5-gd)
Note that your php.ini will have been replace, so you have to reset custom settings like memory_limit.
Enable mod_rewrite in Apache sudo a2enmod rewrite Edit the configuration file.
sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default line 12 says “AllowOverride none” ; change it to “AllowOverride all” save and close
PHP PECL extensions provide additional functionality over the base PHP install. You can browse the PHP PECL extensions available at the PECL repository here . The following steps show how to install a PECL extension/module on Ubuntu using the PECL_HTTP extension as an example and assumes that you already have Apache 2 and PHP 5 installed: ? you will need to install PEAR via apt-get to get the necessary package and distribution system that both PEAR and PECL use. From a shell prompt enter: