日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20912 次

哪位大侠使用过mysql proxy啊?我不知道怎么样使mysql proxy连接两个mysql server,我使用mysql proxy的选项--proxy-backend-addresses连
哪位大侠使用过mysql   proxy啊?我不知道怎么样使mysql   proxy连接两个mysql   server,我使用mysql   proxy的选项--proxy-backend-addresses连接两个数据库,但是mysql   proxy只能操作一个数据库,另一个数据库总是不会被操作,哪位大侠能帮忙看看阿,谢谢。

--proxy-backend-addresses=host:port — the hostname (or IP address) and port of the MySQL server to connect to. You can specify multiple backend servers by supplying multiple options. Clients are connected to each backend server in round-robin fashion. For example, if you specify two servers A and B, the first client connection will go to server A; the second client connection to server B and the third client connection to server A.
