日期:2014-05-16  浏览次数:20830 次

MySQL转postgreSQL 更新问题 100分
SQL code
UPDATE mytable t1,
         SELECT col FROM mytable WHERE dt < 10 limit 1
       ) t2
SET t1.col = t2.col
WHERE t1.cd = t2.cd

好像postgreSQL的更新UPDATE 后面只能跟一个表


SQL code
UPDATE mytable t1
set col = (select col FROM mytable WHERE dt < 10  and col= t1.col limit 1)

UPDATE mytable t1
set col=t2.col from 
SELECT col FROM mytable WHERE dt < 10 limit 1
) t2
WHERE t1.cd = t2.cd
UPDATE mytable t1 inner join 
SELECT col FROM mytable WHERE dt < 10 limit 1
) t2
on t1.cd = t2.cd
set col=t2.col 

update daily_reports d1
left join (
select UserCD,OperationDT,1 idx from
(SELECT * FROM daily_reports
where OperationDT < '2010-04-18 02:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073'order by OperationDT desc limit 1)as t
select UserCD,OperationDT,2 from
(SELECT * FROM daily_reports
where OperationDT < '2010-04-18 14:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073' order by OperationDT desc limit 1)as t1
SELECT UserCD,OperationDT,3 FROM daily_reports where OperationDT = '2010-04-18 14:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073'
on d1.UserCD = d2.UserCD
and d1.OperationDT = d2.OperationDT

left join (
select UserCD,OperationDT,1 idx from
(SELECT * FROM daily_reports
where OperationDT > '2010-04-18 02:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073' order by OperationDT limit 1)as t
SELECT UserCD,OperationDT,2 FROM daily_reports where OperationDT = '2010-04-18 14:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073'
select UserCD,OperationDT,3 from
(SELECT * FROM daily_reports
where OperationDT > '2010-04-18 14:00:00' and UserCD = '00002073' order by OperationDT limit 1)as t1

) d3
on d2.OperationDT = d3.OperationDT
 and d2.idx = d3.idx

 set d1.CompleteDT=d3.OperationDT