日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20975 次
select count(*) from etranscodeinfo;
select count(*) from bankdept;
--账号表:75712 条
select count(*) from eaccount;
--客户表:67363 条
select count(*) from ebankcif;
--交易表:7280737 条
select count(*) from ejnl;
select t2.deptseq,count(*) as accamount from
select acseq,ea.deptseq from eaccount ea,
select t1.cifseq from ebankcif t1
where t1.edition='1' and not exists(select 1 from ebankcif where t1.cifseq=cifseq and opendate>t1.opendate)
) eb
where ea.cifseq=eb.cifseq
and ea.authflag !=1 and
(ea.acstate='0' and ea.opendate <to_date(#nextEndDate#,'YYYY-MM-DD') )
(ea.acstate='1' and ea.closedate>=to_date(#startDate#,'YYYY-MM-DD') and ea.closedate < to_date(#nextEndDate#,'YYYY-MM-DD'))
and ea.deptseq like #likeDeptSeq#||'%'
) t2
where not exists
select 1 from ejnl ej,etranscodeinfo et