select count(*) as 人数,sum(b.qian1-a.qian1) from (
select distinct(cusno) as ren1 ,sum(depmdbbal) as qian1 from plat where datadate = 20111231 and depmdbbal<50000 group by cusno ) as a join
(select distinct(cusno) as ren1 ,sum(depmdbbal) as qian1 from plat where datadate = 20121231 and depmdbbal<50000 group by cusno) as b on a.ren1=b.ren1
------解决方案--------------------你sum的时候其实可以case when 一下的。就可以弄出多个区间的。
sum(case when xx >5 and xx < 20 then depmdbbal else null end) 类似这样。
------解决方案--------------------select 客户ID,sum(金额),
case when 金额 <50000 then '5W以下'
when 金额 >=50000 and 金额<=100000 then '5W-10W'
end 区间,
from table
group by 客户ID,case when 金额 <50000 then '5W以下'
case when 金额 >=50000 and 金额<=100000 then '5W-10W'
end 区间
------解决方案--------------------select q,
count(decode(w.q, 1, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 1, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 2, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 2, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 3, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 3, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 4, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 4, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 5, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 5, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 6, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 6, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0)),
count(decode(w.q, 7, 1, 0)), sum(decode(w.q, 7, nvl(w1.depmdbbal, 0) - w.depmdbbal , 0))
(select cusno, sum(depmdbbal) depmdbbal,