日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:20864 次
with A as
select '111,222,333' userId,'aaa,bbb,ccc' userName from dual
),B as
select '111,222' userId ,'1,1' userState from dual
select t1.userId,t1.userName,nvl(t2.userState,0) userState
select replace(regexp_substr(userId,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userId,
replace(regexp_substr(userName,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userName
from A
connect by level<=length(userId)-length(replace(userId,',',''))+1
) t1 left join
select replace(regexp_substr(userId,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userId,
replace(regexp_substr(userState,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userState
from B
connect by level<=length(userId)-length(replace(userId,',',''))+1
) t2 on t1.userId = t2.userId
userId userName userState
1 111 aaa 1
2 222 bbb 1
3 333 ccc 0
with A as
select '111,222,333' userId,'aaa,bbb,ccc' userName from dual union all
select '444,555' userId,'ddd,eee' userName from dual union all
select '666' userId,'fff' userName from dual
),B as
select '111,222' userId ,'1,1' userState from dual union all
select '444,666' userId ,'1,1' userState from dual
select t1.userId,t1.userName,nvl(t2.userState,0) userState
select distinct replace(regexp_substr(userId,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userId,
replace(regexp_substr(userName,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userName
from A
connect by level<=length(userId)-length(replace(userId,',',''))+1
) t1 left join
select distinct replace(regexp_substr(userId,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userId,
replace(regexp_substr(userState,'[^,]+',1,level),',',' ') userState
from B
connect by level<=length(userId)-length(replace(userId,',',''))+1
) t2 on t1.userId = t2.userId
order by t1.userId
userId userName userState
1 111 aaa 1
2 222 bbb 1
3 333 ccc 0
4 444 ddd 1