一个建立在View上的物化View 可以建立 on commit机制吗
一个建立在View上的物化View 可以建立 on commit机制吗?
create materialized view mv_1
select * from v_1
------解决方案--------------------sys@ORCL> create view emrep as select * from hr.employees;
View created.
sys@ORCL> create materialized view mv_emrep refresh force on commit as select * from emrep;
create materialized view mv_emrep refresh force on commit as select * from emrep
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-12054: cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view
sys@ORCL> !oerr ora 12054
12054, 00000, "cannot set the ON COMMIT refresh attribute for the materialized view"
// *Cause: The materialized view did not satisfy conditions for refresh at
// commit time.
// *Action: Specify only valid options.