2、如何查询某人员的工作部门全称,即根据某人员的EmpId,得到类似“XX公司XX子公司XX部门XX班组”的完整路径? ------解决方案-------------------- 给你一个关键字,自己百度一下把弟弟
start with
connect by prio
oracle树形结构,你的需求很简单 一句sql的事儿。 ------解决方案-------------------- 在dept表上用connect by可以解决。
1)start with deptid = 某级组织机构的DeptId, 可以找到下属的所有机构
2) sys_connect_by_path(deptname, '/') ------解决方案-------------------- with dept as(
select 1 deptId,'集团' deptName,null parentid from dual union all
select 2,'北京公司',1 from dual union all
select 3,'海淀分公司',2 from dual union all
select 4,'财务部',3 from dual union all
select 5,'市场组',4 from dual union all
select 6,'销售组',4 from dual
,emp as(
select 1 empid,'李01' empname,4 deptid from dual union all
select 2 empid,'李02' empname,5 from dual union all
select 3,'张01',5 from dual
select * from emp p where exists(
select * from dept t start with deptId = 4 connect by prior deptid = parentid and p.deptid = t.deptid
select e.empid,p.deptemp ------解决方案-------------------- '/' ------解决方案-------------------- empname ename from
(select * from emp where empid = 2) e,
(select deptId,deptname,sys_connect_by_path(deptname,'/') deptemp
from dept start with deptId = 1 connect by prior deptid = parentid) p where e.deptid = p.deptid;