update t_inf_tmp tmp set (orignal_useragent, orignal_date)=
select useragent, insertdate from(
select useragent, insertdate
from v_his_all his
where his.isdn=tmp.isdn
and his.insertdate<tmp.insertdate
order by his.insertdate desc
where rownum<=1
想将临时表中orignal_useragent, orignal_date更新为最近一次的值。上面的sql在oracle中执行完,都更新成v_his_all最大时间对应的值了。我想要的是相应号码的。求大神指点?
update t_inf_tmp tmp set (orignal_useragent, orignal_date)=(
select useragent, insertdate from(
select useragent, insertdate, rank() over(partition by isdn order by insertdate desc) rk
from v_his_all his1
where his1.isdn=tmp.isdn and his1.insertdate<tmp.insertdate
) his2
where his2.isdn=tmp.isdn and rk<=1