oracle 存储过程!定期查询 整合数据
create or replace procedure text(
startdate in date
v_startdate date;
a number ;
b number;
c number;
d number;
e number
v_sql := 'select count(*) from (' || Psql || ')';
set a='select count(*) as t from (select * from web_user where status = 1 and to_char(regcode_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') ='"+startdate+"' ';
set b='select count(*) as t from (select distinct(user_id) from web_log where to_char(rec_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') ='"+startdate+"' ';
set c='select count(*) as t from (select distinct(user_id) from web_log where url like '%gotoLunPan%' and to_char(rec_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') ='"+startdate+"' '
insert into Aszk_tongji (Rec_date,New_id,Long_id,Coupon_down_count,Lp_long_count,Lp_down_count) values ("+startdate+","+a+","+b+","+c+","+d+","+e+");
when others then
End text;
不知道大家能不能看懂我的意思!写的肯定是不对了 不咋会存储过程 给个正确的写法吧!
create or replace procedure text( startdate in date )
a number;
b number;
c number;
d number;
select count(1) into a
from web_user
where status = 1
and to_char(regcode_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') =
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
select count(distinct user_id) into b
from web_log
where to_char(rec_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') =
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
select count(distinct user_id) into c
from web_log
where url like '%gotoLunPan%'
and to_char(rec_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') =
to_char(startdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
select count(t1.user_id) into d
from user_lunpan t, user_lunpan t1,&