日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20872 次

店名 --- 销售日期
A110 --- 2012-09-28
A100 --- 2012-07-09
A110 --- 2012-10-01
A110 --- 2012-10-01
A110 --- 2012-10-03
A110 --- 2012-10-05
A120 --- 2012-10-01 
A000 --- 2012-10-03
点名 --- 销售日期 销售量
A110 --- 2012-10-01 -- 2
A110 --- 2012-10-02 -- 0
A110 --- 2012-10-03 -- 1
A120 --- 2012-10-01 -- 1
A120 --- 2012-10-02 -- 0
A120 --- 2012-10-03 -- 0
A000 --- 2012-10-01 -- 0
A000 --- 2012-10-02 -- 0
A000 --- 2012-10-03 -- 1


按照常规思路写了一个 构造点名日期表 关联销售表统计数量 参数:2012-10-03

SQL code

with t1 as
     select 'A110' c1,date'2012-09-28' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A100' c1,date'2012-07-09' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-03' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-05' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A120' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2 from dual
     union all
     select 'A000' c1,date'2012-10-03' c2 from dual
select c.c1,c.t_date,count(d.c2) c_num
select a.c1,b.t_date
    select distinct c1
    from t1
    where c2 between trunc(date'2012-10-03','month') and date'2012-10-03'
  ) a,
    select trunc(date'2012-10-03','month')+level-1 t_date
    from dual
    connect by level <= date'2012-10-03'-trunc(date'2012-10-03','month')+1
  ) b
) c left join t1 d on c.c1 = d.c1 and c.t_date = d.c2
group by c.c1,c.t_date
order by c.c1,c.t_date

     c1      t_date     c_num
1    A000    2012/10/1    0
2    A000    2012/10/2    0
3    A000    2012/10/3    1
4    A110    2012/10/1    2
5    A110    2012/10/2    0
6    A110    2012/10/3    1
7    A120    2012/10/1    1
8    A120    2012/10/2    0
9    A120    2012/10/3    0

with t1 as
select 'A000' c1,date'2012-10-03' c2,1 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A100' c1,date'2012-07-09' c2,2 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A100' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2,3 c3 from dual
union all 
select 'A100' c1,date'2012-10-03' c2,4 c3 from dual
union all 
select 'A100' c1,date'2012-10-05' c2,5 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A110' c1,date'2012-08-09' c2,6 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2,7 c3 from dual
union all 
select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-02' c2,8 c3 from dual
union all 
select 'A110' c1,date'2012-10-04' c2,9 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A120' c1,date'2012-10-01' c2,5 c3 from dual
union all
select 'A120' c1,date'2012-10-02' c2,7 c3 from dual
union all 
select 'A120' c1,date'2012-10-03' c2,3 c3 from dual
select t4.c1,t4.c2,nvl(t1.c3,0) from t1,
(select * from
(select distinct c1 from t1)t2,
(select date'2012-10-06' + 1 - level c2 from dual connect by level <= to_number(to_char(date'2012-10-06','dd')))t3
where t1.c1(+) = t4.c1 and t1.c2(+) = t4.c2

1 A000 2012/10/1 0
2 A000 2012/10/2 0
3 A000 2012/10/3 1
4 A000 2012/10/4 0
5 A000 2012/10/5 0
6 A000 2012/10/6 0
7 A100 2012/10/1 3
8 A100 2012/10/2 0
9 A100 2012/10/3 4
10 A100 2012/10/4 0
11 A100 20