日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21061 次
create table ta(id number, val number); create table tb(id number, val number); --给插入测试数据 declare begin for i in 1..210 loop insert into ta values(i,i+10); end loop; end; --把表ta数据按照你的要求复制到表tb,先得到总过需要循环多少遍,然后没循环一次,查询出对应的100条数据,然后union统计的那一行数据,再将这101条数据插入到表tb中去。 declare pages number; begin select ceil(count(*)/100) into pages from ta; for i in 1..pages loop insert into tb select * from ta where rownum between (i-1)*100+1 and i*100 union all select null id, (select sum(val) from ta where rownum between (i-1)*100+1 and i*100) val from dual; end loop; end;
insert into b (
select col1 ,sum(col1)
from (select col1,ceil(rownum/99) rn ,rownum from a01)
group by rollup(rn ,col1));