日期:2014-05-17 浏览次数:21020 次
create table table1 ( id int, app_id int, create_user varchar2(10), created_time date );
delete from table1 where id in (select id from (select t.id, t.create_time, max(create_time) over(partition by app_id, create_user) maxtime,--按app_id, create_user分组取最大时间 count(1) over(partition by app_id, create_user) grpcnt --计算按app_id, create_user分组时每组中的记录条数 from table1 t order by id) t where t.grpcnt > 1 and t.create_time = t.maxtime)
with t1 as (select id,app_id,count(*) cnt from table1 group by id,app_id having count(*)>1), --查找重复记录 t2 as (select id,app_id,max(create_time) c_time from table1 group by id,app_id), --查找最大时间 t3 as (select t1.id,t1.app_id,t2.c_time from t1,t2 where t1.id=t2.id and t1.app_id=t2.app_id), --关联重复记录的最大时间 delete from table1 a where exists (select 1 from t3 where a.id=t3.id and a.app_id=t3.app_id and a.create_time<>t3.c_time) --删除不是最大时间的记录
CREATE TABLE test(id VARCHAR2(10),app_id VARCHAR2(10),create_user VARCHAR2(50),create_time VARCHAR2(30)); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('1','1','jack','20120601 12:01:00'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('2','1','jack','20120601 12:50:00'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('3','1','jack','20120601 23:01:00'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('4','1','rose','20120615 12:01:00'); INSERT INTO test VALUES ('5','1','rose','20120616 12:01:00'); DELETE FROM test t WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM (SELECT DISTINCT app_id,create_user, Last_Value(create_time) over (PARTITION BY app_id,create_user ORDER BY create_time rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following)create_time FROM test ) WHERE app_id=t.app_id AND create_user=t.create_user AND create_time=t.create_time ) SELECT * FROM test; ID, APP_ID, CREATE_USER, CREATE_TIME 3 1 jack 20120601 23:01:00 5 1 rose 20120616 12:01:00