比如我的表 另一张表
parentid cid cid count
-1 1 1 100
1 2 2 200
-1 3 3 300
3 4 4 400
-1 5 5 500
1 6 6 600
然后我想统计出 就是 这个样子:
cid count
1 900
3 700
5 500
------解决方案--------------------900? 500? 怎么看着不大对劲呢
with DataTable as
select -1 as parentid,1 as cid,100 as count from dual union
select 1 as parentid,2 as cid,200 as count from dual union
select -1 as parentid,3 as cid,300 as count from dual union
select 3 as parentid,4 as cid,400 as count from dual union
select -1 as parentid,5 as cid,500 as count from dual union
select 1 as parentid,6 as cid,600 as count from dual
select a.cid,sum(a.count) from (
select t.cid as cid ,t.count as count from DataTable t where t.parentid=-1
select t.parentid as cid,t.count as count from DataTable t start with parentid <>-1 connect by parentid = prior cid
)a group by a.cid order by cid;