日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20860 次

sql 空值问题
表 table字段有(没个字段类型都是varchar2(20))
  b 2 a3 1 2 s1f 1
  1s 2 2 c 2 2 3 3 2
  0 1 3 3 fd df s

即 field1,field2,……feeld9这几列中值都不为空的查询出来

SQL code

select *
from tb
where field1||field2||field3||field4||field5||field6||field7||field8||field9 is not null

select * from 表名
where field1 is not null
and field2 is not null
and field3 is not null
and field4 is not null
and field5 is not null
and field6 is not null
and field7 is not null
and field8 is not null
and field9 is not null


select * from 表名
where field1 is not null
and field2 is not null
and field3 is not null
and field4 is not null
and field5 is not null
and field6 is not null
and field7 is not null
and field8 ……