create table ttt(ID INT,A_ID VARCHAR(1000),Z_ID VARCHAR(1000))
insert into ttt select 1,a,b;
insert into ttt select 2,c,b;
insert into ttt select 3,c,d;
insert into ttt select 4,d,e;
insert into ttt select 5,f,e;
insert into ttt select 6,n,m;
insert into ttt select 7,p,n;
insert into ttt select 8,p,q;
传入查询条件a,m 期望查询结果: 列1,列2,列3,列4,列5,列6 a b c d e f m n p q
with t as ( select 'a' as code,'' as parentcode from dual union all select 'b','a' from dual union all select 'c','b' from dual union all select 'd','c' from dual union all select 'm','' from dual union all select 'n','m' from dual union all select 'o','n' from dual ) select max(allpath) from ( SELECT sys_connect_by_path(parentcode,'-->') || '-->' || code AS allPath, rownum - level as lvl FROM t START WITH (code = 'a' or code = 'm') CONNECT BY prior code = parentcode ) group by lvl;