日期:2014-05-17  浏览次数:20749 次

OCI方面的知识,谁能帮忙修改下 想批量插入数据,且表的字段很多
C/C++ code

gcc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I${ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/public -I${ORACLE_HOME}/rdbms/demo -L${ORACLE_HOME}/lib -lclntsh  test1.c


typedef unsigned     char         ub1;
typedef signed     char         sb1;
typedef unsigned     short     ub2;
typedef signed     short     sb2;
typedef unsigned     int         ub4;
typedef signed     int         sb4;
typedef ub4                     duword;
typedef sb4                     dsword;
typedef dsword                 dword;

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <oci.h>

/*user name and password*/
static text* username=(text *)"scott";
static text* password=(text *)"tiger";
static text* oracle=(text *)"orcl";

/* Define SQL statements to be used in program. */ 
static text* SQL=(text *)"insert into tab1(id, name) values (:1, :2)";

/*handle define*/
static OCIEnv             *p_env;                                        //OCI environment handle
static OCIError         *p_err;                                        //OCI error handle
static OCISvcCtx        *p_svc;                                        //OCI service context handel
static OCIServer        *p_ser;                                        //OCI server handle
static OCISession        *p_usr;                                        //OCI user session handle
static OCIStmt            *p_sql;                                        //OCI statement handle
static OCIDefine        *p_dfn = (OCIDefine *)NULL;            //OCI define handle
static OCIBind            *p_bnd = (OCIBind *)NULL;                //OCI bind handle

/*create OCI environment*/
int create_env()
    int swResult;            //Return value    
    if(swResult = OCIEnvCreate(&p_env,OCI_DEFAULT,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL))
            printf("environment create error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("environment create success!\n\n");
            return 0;

/*init handle*/
int init_handle()
    int swResult;
    if(swResult = OCIHandleAlloc(p_env,(dvoid *)&p_ser,OCI_HTYPE_SERVER,0,NULL))    //服务器句柄
            printf("init server handle error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("init server handle success!\n\n");

    if(swResult = OCIHandleAlloc(p_env,(dvoid *)&p_err,OCI_HTYPE_ERROR,0,NULL))    //错误句柄
            printf("init error handle error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("init error handle success!\n\n");
    if(swResult = OCIHandleAlloc(p_env,(dvoid *)&p_usr,OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,0,NULL))    //事务句柄
            printf("init session handle error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("init session handle success!\n\n");
    if(swResult = OCIHandleAlloc(p_env,(dvoid *)&p_svc,OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,0,NULL))    //上下文句柄
            printf("init service context handle error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("init service context handel success!\n\n");
    if(swResult = OCIHandleAlloc(p_env,(dvoid *)&p_sql,OCI_HTYPE_STMT,0,NULL))        //SQL语句句柄
            printf("init statement handle error!\n\n");
            return -1;
            printf("init statement handle success!\n\n");
    return 0;

/*connect server*/
int conn_server()
    int swResult;
    if(swResult = OCILogon(p_env,p_err,&p_svc,(text *)